Zoning & Development
Town of Springdale

Zoning and development of the Town of Springdale is governed by a Comprehensive Plan which enables the Town to plan and zone, guide development, protect, promote and enhance the quality of life in Springdale. As a tool to implement the plan, the Town has adopted and updates a Zoning Ordinance and Land Development Regulations.

The Zoning ordinance includes a full spectrum of regulations and guidelines that include the following: zoning district regulations, flood damage prevention regulations, conditional use restrictions, prohibited uses, landscape and buffer yard requirements, regulations of signs, communication towers, and antennas, etc. Before any type of construction or alteration to a building may commence, a Zoning Permit must be obtained from Town Hall and approved by the Zoning Administrator. All applications and permits are available online or at Town Hall. For questions concerning zoning, please contact Town/Zoning Administrator Ashley Watkins. Should the applicant disagree with the decision of the Zoning Administrator, he/she may appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals (see below).

Board of Appeals

If you apply for a zoning permit and disagree with the decision of the Zoning Administrator, the applicant can appeal the request to the Board. The Board is required to hold a Public Hearing prior to making a decision. An applicant may request one of the three appeals:

  1. Action of the Zoning Administrator: the applicant believes that there is an error in the interpretation made by the zoning official. (Zoning Ord. Sec. 6.2.1)
  2. Variance: The applicant believes the literal enforcement of the provisions of the zoning ordinance results in an unnecessary hardship. (Zoning Ord. Sec. 6.2.2).
  3. Special Exception: The applicant is seeking an exception for a use permitted by district regulations as a special exception with specific applicable criteria. (Zoning Ord. Sec. 6.2.3)

Steps to file a Zoning Appeal:

Submit a Notice of Appeal and Request for a Variance, Administrative, or Special Exception ($125 fee). Hearings are scheduled for the fourth Thursday of the month; therefore applications need to be submitted at least five weeks before the hearing. A notice of the Public Hearing is posted in the newspaper and on the subject property at least 15 days prior to the hearing.


Boards & Commissions

The Town Council appoints various boards, commissions, and committees to help govern the Town.

The Planning Commission makes recommendations to Town Council concerning zoning ordinance map and text amendments, land development regulation amendments, and comprehensive plan revisions. Additionally, the Commission also approves subdivisions. The Commission meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers whenever there is business on the agenda.


  • John Huffman, Chairman
  • Vance Vollmer, Vice-Chairman
  • Paul Kiepert
  • Christie Cole
  • Vacant

Planning Commission Agendas and Minutes

The Board of Zoning Appeals hears requests for variances from the zoning ordinance, special exemptions, and appeals from decisions of the zoning administrator. The Board meets whenever there is business on the agenda.


  • Ed Davis, Chairman
  • Richard Gadsden
  • Jan Shaw
  • Jasmine Capers
  • Tobi Sandness

Board of Zoning Appeals Agendas and Minutes

The Design Review Board issues Certificates of Appropriateness for all new development and alterations to the exterior appearance of existing buildings that are located in the Design Overlay District. The Board meets whenever there is business on the agenda.


  • Lucas Erwin, Chairman
  • Ronnie Wilbourne
  • Margaret Hook
  • Vacant
  • Vacant

Design Review Board Agendas and Minutes


Zoning & Development Forms

Adminstrative Appeal

Submitted along with notice of appeal.

Notice of Appeal (required)

Special Exception Application

Submitted along with notice of appeal.

Variance Application

Submitted along with notice of appeal.

Zoning Map

Zoning Ordinance

Zoning Permit

Contact Info

Ashley Watkins
Town/Zoning Administrator

803.794.0408 Phone
803.791.0567 Fax


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